In 1895 the Gokyo no Waza as considered standard syllabus of all the Judo throws.Between the years of 1920 to 1982 the Kodokan Gokyo no Waza was made up of only 40 traditional throws and were set out into 5 sets of 8 throwing techniques.Then in 1982 on the 100th anniversary of the Kodokan a further 8 of the traditional Judo throws were reinstated [ these had been taken out in 1920 ], and an additional 17 newer Judo techniques were also to be included in the official Kodokan Judo throws (called the Shinmeisho no Waza).The Kodokan have since also added a final two additional Judo throws to the Shinmeisho no Waza back in in 1997 making the official 67 throws of the Kodokan.
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